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IPAC Canada

IPAC Southwestern Ontario

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Welcome to IPAC Southwestern Ontario! 

Message from the President

Welcome to IPAC Southwestern Ontario (IPAC SWO) and to our chapter website!

My name is Cara-Lee Coghill and I am excited and privileged to represent our chapter as the IPAC SWO President for 2023 and 2024.

IPAC SWO chapter members represent a diverse group of IPAC professionals who work in a variety of fields in health care including hospitals, pre-hospital settings, long-term care and continuing care facilities, community care and health agencies, public health, government and industry.

IPAC SWO offers face-to face meetings, webinars and educational workshops to meet the educational needs of our members. In 2023, we are pleased to announce that we are planning on returning to in-person chapter meetings for our June meeting.  Please continue to visit our website for chapter meeting details!

In addition to our chapter meetings and educational sessions, IPAC SWO is proud to offer:

  • Scholarship funding for members to attend the Annual IPAC Canada National Conference
  • Support in preparing for Certification in Infection Prevention and Control (CIC)
  • Funding opportunities for IPAC Education, CIC certification and renewal
  • Education sessions and resources at quarterly chapter meetings
  • Opportunities to connect and IPAC professionals regionally and across Canada
  • Opportunities to increase awareness of current Infection Prevention and Control standards and practices
  • Support for your organization/facility for National Infection Control Week

To join IPAC-Canada and IPAC-SWO, visit IPAC-Canada and view this welcome brochure.

I welcome you to contact any member of the executive to find out what IPAC Canada has to offer.

Cara-Lee Coghill

2023-2024 IPAC SWO Chapter President

Apply for IPAC SWO Educational Funding Now 

IPAC SWO is proud to provide the opportunity for IPAC SWO members who have successfully completed an IPAC Canada approved educational course OR have obtained initial or renewed Certification in Infection Control (CIC) or Long-Term Care Certification in Infection Prevention (LTC-CIP) to apply for educational funding. 

The application process is officially open and closes December 1, 2024. Please see the IPAC Education and CIC/LTC-CIP Funding Terms and Conditions  where you will find a link to apply.

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Upcoming Events   IPAC SWO News

Upcoming Event

IPAC SWO In-person Chapter Business Meeting and Education Day 

The next IPAC SWO In-person Chapter Business Meeting and Education Day is May 10th at Boler Mountain Conference Centre 

Registration opens at 8:30 am. The IPAC-SWO Chapter Business Meeting will start at 9:00 am and the education portion of the day will start at 10:00 am. If you plan to only participate in the education portion of the day, please arrive at 9:45 am to register.

The title for the education portion of the meeting is "Combatting Antibiotic Resistance: Effective Strategies and Solutions" with guest speakers:

  • Dr. Douglas William MacPherson, Infectious Diseases Physician, Department of Medicine
    St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital; Member of the provincial Antimicrobial Stewardship Advisory Committee (ASAC), Public Health Ontario presenting Antibiotic Resistant Organisms (AROs).
  • Francine Paquette, CIC, CPHI(C), Director, Infection Prevention & Control, peopleCare Communities, presenting Environmental Cleaning and AROs.
  • Natalie Willms, Infection Control Practitioner, Windsor Regional Hospital & Deborah Newcombe, Windsor Essex County Health Unit. Co-presenting Experience with a CPE outbreak.

Please visit the IPAC SWO Chapter EventBrite link to register. Deadline to register is May 2, 2024.


Applications for IPAC SWO Conference Scholarship 

Applications for IPAC SWO members to apply for funding towards registration for the IPAC Canada National 2024 Conference are now closed.  

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February 9, 2024 Education Session now available to members for viewing

The February 9, 2024 Education Session titled "Carbapenamase Producing Organisms- Making Sense of Alphabet Soup" presented by Erica Susky, Infection Control Practitioner, University Health Network- Toronto General Hospital, is now available for viewing. The presentation is can be found in the IPAC SWO Members area under IPAC SWO Education Session Presentations.

Presentations from IPAC FUNdamentals Education Workshop Now Available

IPAC SWO is pleased to make the slide decks from the IPAC FUNdamentals Education Workshop available to everyone. Please click this link to access the content. Thank you to our speakers for their permission to post.

Recording and Presentations from Educational Sessions Available in IPAC SWO Members Area

Did you know that IPAC SWO members have access to recordings of past virtual educational sessions and presentations from in person education sessions under IPAC SWO Education Session Presentation of secure IPAC SWO Members area.  Check it out!

Submissions for  IPAC Education and CIC Attainment Funding is Closed

Applications for the IPAC Education and CIC Attainment funding opportunity is now closed. The deadline for application submissions for IPAC Education and CIC funding was December 1, 2023. Applications for 2024 will be posted in the spring. Watch your e-mail for notification.  

CIC Recertification 

It's that time of the year again. Recertification is now due for those who were certified in 2019. If you are recertifying through the continuing education process and require documentation of education sessions you participated in through IPAC SWO, please contact ipacswochapter@gmail.com

The CBIC website contains excellent information to assist you through the process. You will find the following resources particularly helpful.


Monkeypox in Canada Quebec to start vaccinating close contacts Quebec will be the first Canadian province to launch a vaccination campaign against the monkeypox virus, interim public health director Dr. Luc Boileau said Thursday, adding that 25 cases of the disease have been confirmed in the Montreal area.
full story
World Health Organization's Update on Omicron The WHO designated variant B.1.1.529 as a new variant of concern named Omicron due to evidence that several mutations may have an impact on how it behaves. While much is yet to be known in terms of it's transmissibility, severity of illness and effectiveness of the current vaccine against this variant, WHO continues to encourage countries to implement effective public health measures. This includes the provision of vaccine to vulnerable groups everywhere. 
full story
Other News
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Concern Over Supply of Ebola Vaccine
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