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IPAC Southwestern Ontario

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Upcoming IPAC-SWO events will be published to this calendar on a regular basis. Please check the calendar often.

IPAC SWO Chapter Meeting and Education Session

Date:June 9, 2022
Time:10:00am - 12:00pm

The next IPAC SWO Chapter Meeting and Education Session is scheduled for Thursday June 9, 2022. Chapter meeting begins at 10:00 am.  Education session titled "You are asking me to do what? An interdisciplinary and intersectoral COVID-19 Pandemic Conversation" starts at 11:00am. IPAC SWO welcomes a panel of professionals across different health sectors who will share their experiences, challenges and successes navigating the pandemic. This session is eligible for one (1) IPU. 

Zoom meeting link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82966203049?pwd=clc4QWVucm5YUzlWNHA1WmpJU2ovQT09

Meeting ID: 829 6620 3049

Passcode: 621732